Signs Your Child Has Myopia

Parents must monitor their little ones' eye health. For example, they must watch out for a common vision problem that affects children—myopia or nearsightedness. This refractive error occurs when the eye grows too long. This causes light to focus incorrectly and results in blurry distance vision. Examining some indicators that your child may be nearsighted and what you can do to help may be beneficial.

Squinting or Blinking Frequently


Is your kid blinking or squinting a lot? It can indicate they are having problems seeing distant objects. Visiting the optometrist for an eye checkup is necessary if you see your child blinking or squinting a lot.

Sitting Close to the TV or Computer Screen


Children with myopia often sit close to the television or computer screen to see the images more clearly. Myopia may be present if you see your youngster seated closer to the television than usual. While sitting close to the screen occasionally is normal, it is best to schedule an eye exam if it becomes a habit.

Difficulty Seeing Objects in the Distance


The inability to see distant things is among the most common symptoms of myopia in youngsters. Nearsighted children may have trouble seeing things like street signs or the board at school. An eye check with an optometrist is necessary if your child has difficulty seeing objects in the distance.


Frequent Headaches or Eyestrain


Children with myopia may experience frequent headaches or eyestrain. This is because of the effort required to see objects in the distance. Myopia may be present if your little one complains of headaches or eye discomfort.


Rubbing the Eyes


Myopia may be present in your child if they rub their eyes a lot. Rubbing the eyes can indicate eyestrain or exhaustion. Visit the optometrist for an eye examination if you observe your youngster scratching their eyes frequently.

What You Can Do to Help


Scheduling an eye test with an optometrist is crucial if you suspect your child has myopia. The earlier an eye doctor detects nearsightedness, the easier it is to manage. Some of the steps you can take to help your kid include:

  • Encourage your youngster to take frequent breaks using digital devices or reading to reduce eyestrain.
  • Ensure your youngster sits at the proper distance from the computer or TV screen.
  • Talk to your child's teacher about seating arrangements in the classroom to ensure your child can see the board clearly.
  • Consider buying eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct your child's vision.

In some cases, myopia can progress rapidly in children. It may be necessary to adjust the prescription frequently. Regular eye exams are crucial for monitoring your child's vision and ensuring they receive the care required.



Nearsightedness is a prevalent vision problem that affects many children. Parents must watch out for clues that their children may have myopia. Schedule an eye checkup with an optometrist when you suspect your child has myopia. You can assist in ensuring your kids have the best vision possible by managing their condition.

For more on myopia in children, call Russell Eyecare & Associates in St. Joseph, Minnesota at (320) 433-4326 to schedule an appointment.

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